
Thursday, 24 October 2013

The Raging Fire

From where i stood it look like the flames were swallowing the house.It was shocking because it looked like the house was deep fried by the hot burning sun.I called smell something really bad when ilooked at the ceeling thats why we quickly ran outside and tried to figure out what had happened.Thats when we realised it was actually was so hotcould  could have drunk a whole elephant or Maybe two three.So we had to quickly run and sind shelter.CALLL 911 I said but know one had a phone .  it was so hot it made me want to jump into ice no then that would just be stupid.  Help help i yelled but everyone had evacuated the street so we had no other  choice but to find and find a way  to stop the fire from getting worser and worser.We used bucket but it didn’t work,We used hoses,it didn’t work  how are we going to put out this fire now .the whole street has disappeared.What do we need to help us stop this volcano  from erupting more and more, hotter and hotter.This would be a tough one to figure out .It was either me or the matches i had .I don't know so i try to rewind my mind but then a piece of wood fell of the roof and hit me ouchie hot hot.It was like the sun was haunting me for something i have done wrong .Bless the sun have  mercy on me.Wind whisling,Birds tweetinng as they try fly away from this enormous outraegous heat.As thirsty as an elephant in a drout there was still no way i could get hold of anyone or thing.Then as I was just about to faint a car drove past  me and i was chasingit to dee if he or she had a phone  to ring the fire departmen to help but no so i wiated  and waited for more and more cars to divev for help,then after about 12 cars  someone had actually brought a phone .But the bad news that we had to wait 30 minutes  the fire service take a long time to get here.So i tried to figure  something to do  while i was waiting ,Then after a while they finally arrived .Then they had a look through my house and said that it was. . . MY COOKING!!. do They said don't leave cooking unattended because then fires this harmful won't burn so much.I have learnt my lesson to not leave cooking unattended. because bad things can happened.


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